Professional Learning
Professional learning is not just four times a year at district Professional Development. It is the goals you set for yourself. It is professional conversations you have over an article or Twitter post. It is the book you read given to you by a fellow colleague. A conversation during PLC (Professional Learning Communities) when you learn more about a standard that seems complex. Each and every day there are professional learning opportunities at your fingertips. Check out sessions to help you get started learning or explore different ideas for designing professional learning sessions.
Growth through Deliberate Practice
This self-paced course walks you though developing personalized bite-sized goals using a coaching mindset.
Audience: PK-12 Educators; Administrators
Length: 30 minutes
Style of Presentation: Online Self-Paced
Individual Plan of Action
This self-paced course allows you to self-reflect on your professional learning goals and develop an individual plan of action.
Audience: PK-12 Educators; Administrators
Length: 30 minutes
Style of Presentation: Online Self-Paced
Professional learning Idea Smackdown
This hands-on training will teach you how to take ideas from the every day parts of your life and use them in your classroom. This session is hands-on and requires participation from the audience.
Audience: PK-12 Educators; Administrators
Length: 30 minutes
Style of Presentation: Hands-on learning
Professional Learning Speed Geeking
Are you looking for new ideas for professional learning formats? During this speed dating session, you will learn new ideas and discuss with colleagues how you could implement with students.
Audience: Can be altered to work for educators or administrators
Length: 30 minutes
Style of Presentation: Hands-On; Movement
Host your first Twitter Chat
Have you always been intrigued by Twitter chats? Want to create your own? This session will teach you from start to finish how to develop your very own Twitter Chat.
Audience: Educators; Administrators
Length: 30 minutes
Style of Presentation: Hands-On
Design Lunch and Learn
Are you looking for different ways to reach educators? Provide differentiated professional learning? Keep learning bite-sized and easily implemented? This session will teach you different ways to design bite-sized sessions.
Audience: Educators; Administrators
Length: 30 minutes
Style of Presentation: Hands-On
Expanding Professional Learning to Voxer
What is Voxer? This session will introduce you to Voxer and its ability to expand your Professional Learning.
Audience: Educators, Administrators
Length: 30 minutes
Style of Presentation: Hands-On
The Power of Twitterverse
Have you ever wondered what all the rave is about Twitter? This session will teach you how Twitter can change your professional learning mindset.
Audience: Educators; Administrators
Length: 30 minutes
Style of Presentation: Hands-On
Layered Professional Development
Have you ever wanted to learn a new strategy for personalizing professional learning for staff? A layered curriculum will allow you to meet your outcomes while differentiating to meet the various learners in your district.
Audience: Administrators; Professional Development Directors
Length: 30 minutes
Style of Presentation: Hands-On
Choice Boards
Are you looking for different ways to meet the professional learning needs of your staff? This session will teach you how to design Choice Boards that are differentiated. What's most important about this session? You can teach staff how to use with students. That's a Win! Win!
Audience: Administrators; Professional Development Directors
Length: 30 minutes
Style of Presentation: Hands-On